Review: Buffy Season 8 #3

Ah, its so nice to have a little free time. Anyway, it’s review time with Buffy #3.

The Cover- Hmmm. I like Willow. And it’s not like I severely dislike this cover. But I think it could have been a lot better. For example, I personally think that the logo would have looked so much cooler just in the sky like that instead of coming from Willow’s fingertips. I kid you not when I say my first thought was ‘cigarette smoke?’ I think Willow’s dress would have also looked better if a) it had been all red or all black instead of this odd vamp Willow look and b) if it was a full dress instead of this weird half back thingymerbober. But I love the little detail in the bottom left cover.

Interior Art- The interior art’s fine. I mean, some of the little things bother me though. Like the zombies don’t look very zombie like to me (maybe I’ve been watching too much Walking Dead). Ethan Rayne seems to look a bit off to me too, but this stuff might just be me. I really loved the facial expressions in this ish. There’s a panel where Xander in his little war room and has this awesome expression that I actually laughed out loud at. It might be the next Awesome Panel of the Day.  There was a couple of panels where there was long dialogue bubbles or just dialogue in general, in these panels there was like no lip movement (does that make any sense? I might scan that too). But the art was decent.

Writing- Zombies+Pride and Prejudice+Magicky Spell=Win. Anyway, I like this issues more than the last one. I feel like the last one and this one are both build up  issues but it doesn’t really reflect into the writing. I think that Willow was very well written in this issue. Buffy and Ethan’s conversation was pretty awesome. Buffy had a couple of really good one liners. And my favorite moments:

Buffy: ‘My Love’. He called me ‘my love’. And then I threw up in my mouth a little.


Xander: Sounds good to me.

Andrew: No trust me (shows shot of Andrewplaying cards with Slayerettes in bras and night clothes) you’d be bored stiff.

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